RSCI Label
By getting an RSCI Label, the auditee demonstrates compliance with the RSCI Assessment Standard.
By getting an RSCI Label, the auditee demonstrates compliance with the RSCI Assessment Standard.
To achieve an RSCI label, auditees will undergo the regular assessment process. After successfully passing the assessment, a report will be issued, and a label is awarded.
The following two labels can be achieved:

The full label is issued in case of successfully passing the assessment and confirms that no crucial non-conformities against the RSCI Assessment Standard have been observed during the assessment. It is valid for a maximum of 36 months.

An interim label is issued if the assessment has been passed, though certain deviations have been observed so that a full label cannot be issued. It is valid for nine months and a close follow-up process is expected to achieve the full label.
Together with the assessment reporting, the label will be made available on the online platform and can be shared with the business partners.